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July 17

Planning Board
July 17, 2019

The July Planning Board meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. Members in attendance were Bruce Sanborn, Tom Boughter Sr., Charles Tarbell, Ray Merrill, Ted Gerber, Recording Secretary Cindy Kimball and Chairman Colin Holme along with Code Enforcement Officer Bill Haynes.

The first item on the agenda was a review of the June minutes. Colin discussed some changes to the minutes. Bruce made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Charles seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor.

The second item on the agenda was the Findings of Fact for Sage Woods Subdivision. Charles emailed the FOF to the PB prior to the meeting for members to review. Tom made a motion to accept the FOF as submitted. Bruce seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor. The PB members signed the FOF and Brenda Bigonski, Town Clerk, notarized the signed document so that it could be recorded in the county registry.

The next item on the agenda was Doreen Kimball Johnson with a proposal to run a lobster pound out of Kimball's Hardware in South Waterford. She explained there will be a 200-gallon closed tank with transported ocean water to store live lobsters during the summer through the beginning of the year, depending on demand. She noted the tank will not need fresh or running water to maintain it because it is a closed system. Kimball's Hardware will continue to serve the community with current hardware stock available. Colin reviewed the commercial use of a non-conforming structure in a shoreland zone. The PB determined there was no greater adverse impact from its current use and Doreen will need to provide a document stating the change of use to the store. Doreen noted she will update the current hardware signage to say Kimball's Hardware and Lobsters. Bruce made a provisional motion that Doreen be allowed to begin renovating and remodeling the store pending a written letter to be submitted before the next meeting stating intended purpose and scope of the project. Ray seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor.

The next item was a deck addition Chris Field presented at the June meeting. He was not present so the item was tabled.

Next, Colin thanked Tom for his service to the PB. Tom is leaving and the PB made alternate Ted a full member.

The last item was a discussion regarding a 100-foot-long dock located on Keoka Lake that is obstructing the neighboring lot owner from being able to use the lake for swimming or boating because of the location of the dock. The dock sits diagonally in front of the neighbor’s property causing adverse relations. The neighbor made a presentation at the July 22 selectmen’s meeting seeking relief. Colin discussed that the town may need to limit size of docks as other towns are beginning to do this as well. They discussed lengths and widths and noted that Harrison has a 48' length limit. Because docks are seasonal structures and are required to be removed by November 1 each year, they cannot be grandfathered. Charles offered to discuss the situation with the dock owner. The PB agreed that this discussion item be added to the agenda for the August meeting.

Bruce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Tom seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Kimball