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April 17

Planning Board
April 17, 2019

Sage Woods Subdivision Public Hearing

The Sage Woods Subdivision Public Hearing was called to order at 6:32 p.m. In attendance were Bruce Sanborn, Charles Tarbell, Tom Boughter Sr., Ray Merrill, Recording Secretary Cindy Kimball, Chairman Colin Holme along with Code Enforcement Officer Bill Haynes. Brian Rhea, representing Sage Woods Subdivision, presented an overview of the proposed single family residential subdivision including restrictions. Dave Fox asked about continued access to Woodlawn Cemetery Road and recreational vehicle passage across the subdivision. Brian assured that access will continue as it currently is and that Lot 11 is privately owned and will still allow snowmobiles and four-wheelers. Jim Button noted that Lot 2 has excess water running through, especially in the spring, and that it may be a tough lot to build on. Colin noted that access for some of the lots will have to be reviewed because of the steepness and amount of water running through those lots. Each lot will be required to maintain a vegetative cover within setbacks. Brian said that parking for the Waterford World's Fair will remain the same as previous years and be allowed along the road bordering the subdivision. They discussed the use of campers on the lots and they can only be on the lot for 120 days but not year round unless un-occupied. Hearing no more discussion, Bruce made a motion to adjourn the public hearing at 6:58 p.m. Ray seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor.

The Planning Board meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. The above members were present as well as Ted Gerber.

The first item on the agenda was notarizing and signing the Overlook Subdivision Discontinuance Letter for Tom Chadbourne. Brenda Bigonski, Town Clerk, was present to observe the signing and notarize the document.

The second item on the agenda was a review of the March 2019 minutes. Bruce made a motion to accept them as presented. Tom seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor.

The next item was a continuance of Sage Woods Subdivision application. The complete application with a preliminary plan was submitted in January. Colin noted that a phosphorous control plan should be included since the property is in the Crooked River Watershed which drains into Sebago Lake which is a major water source for the city of Portland. Colin provided an overview of phosphorus control methodology, the reasoning behind it and pointed out the regulatory requirements for it in the Subdivision Ordinance.

Colin also addressed driveway subdivision requirements and the possibility of shared driveways instead of individual ones for each lot. Brian noted that people moving here expect privacy and won't want shared driveways. He felt driveways on either of the main roads isn't a problem because they have minimal traffic and good site lines. The board discussed the shared driveway provision and agreed Brian could proceed with having individual access for each of the lots. Because of the steep slope on lots 5, 6 and 7, the board suggested having driveway access come from above on these lots. Brian was amenable to having access off the Green Road for these lots.

Brian provided a mapping summary from on-line portal from Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and Maine Natural Areas Program data for the property parcel. It was determined that the subdivision was not identified as having significant wildlife or habitat resources beyond the possible presence of brook trout in the stream (which will have a 75’ horizontal setback).

The PB determined that a phosphorous plan needs to be provided before a vote can be taken on the application. Also, the map needs to show the line markers and right of ways on it. Brian said he will make the changes to the map for next month's meeting.

Bruce made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m. Tom seconded the motion and the vote was 5-0 in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Kimball